Double Chins Can Occur in Anyone.
Sometimes Double Chins are referred to as Submental Fullness.
There is a common misconception that fullness under the chin only appears in those who are overweight, when in reality it can occur in any body type and may be related to ageing, genetics or weight gain. More than 67 per cent of people are bothered by the fat or fullness under their chin, similar to the percentage of patients who are bothered by lines and wrinkles.
Fullness under the chin can impact how a person feels about themselves and, for both women and men, can lead to feelings of
negative self-impression.
There is a common misconception that fullness under the chin only appears in those who are overweight, when in reality it can occur in any body type and may be related to ageing, genetics or weight gain. More than 67 per cent of people are bothered by the fat or fullness under their chin, similar to the percentage of patients who are bothered by lines and wrinkles.
Fullness under the chin can impact how a person feels about themselves and, for both women and men, can lead to feelings of
negative self-impression.
Belkyra® one of the first clinically evaluated and approved treatments that is a non-surgical injectable treatment for reduction of fullness under the chin that has undergone rigorous clinical evaluation, including clinical studies involving more than 2,600 patients worldwide.
Until now, treatment options for sub-mental fullness have been limited to surgical options such as liposuction and non-surgical in-clinic procedures using handheld devices or aggressive weight-loss regimens with potentially limited improvement.
When injected into fat under the chin, Belkyra® permanently causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat.
Belkyra® one of the first clinically evaluated and approved treatments that is a non-surgical injectable treatment for reduction of fullness under the chin that has undergone rigorous clinical evaluation, including clinical studies involving more than 2,600 patients worldwide.
Until now, treatment options for sub-mental fullness have been limited to surgical options such as liposuction and non-surgical in-clinic procedures using handheld devices or aggressive weight-loss regimens with potentially limited improvement.
When injected into fat under the chin, Belkyra® permanently causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat.
Patient Information
Belkyra® is a prescription medicine, which non surgically reduces fat under the chin, resulting in a more contoured neck profile and jawline. Belkyra® has risks and benefits. for further information talk to your healthcare professional or check the Consumer Medicine Information at
Warnings: Do not use in the presence of infection. Should be administered by the subcutaneous route. Marginal mandibular nerve injury, difficulty in swallowing. Avoid injection into salivary glands, thyroid gland, lymph nodes and muscles.
Screen for other pre-existing conditions and treatments.
Possible adverse reactions: Headache, nausea, difficulty swallowing, skin tightness, injection site bruising, discolouration. Injection site nerve injury, high blood pressure.
Deoxycholic acid 10mg/ml solution for injection.
Allergan New Zealand Ltd.
Warnings: Do not use in the presence of infection. Should be administered by the subcutaneous route. Marginal mandibular nerve injury, difficulty in swallowing. Avoid injection into salivary glands, thyroid gland, lymph nodes and muscles.
Screen for other pre-existing conditions and treatments.
Possible adverse reactions: Headache, nausea, difficulty swallowing, skin tightness, injection site bruising, discolouration. Injection site nerve injury, high blood pressure.
Deoxycholic acid 10mg/ml solution for injection.
Allergan New Zealand Ltd.